What About Everyone Else
This video addresses a common concern raised during discussions about prioritising anti-racism initiatives: the impact on other groups and the fear of going too far in one direction. Challenge yourself to consider why the focus on black colleagues might make some people uncomfortable and question the underlying motives behind these concerns. Shereen emphasises that anti-racism efforts, while they may seem to specifically benefit one group, actually improve the workplace for everyone by fostering a fairer and more equitable environment. Shereen explains that raising the standard for the most impacted groups effectively raises it for all, promoting a culture that benefits the collective rather than just a few. The video encourages you to reflect on how systemic changes designed to address racism can lead to broader benefits, suggesting that discomfort with these changes often reveals more about the individual’s reservations than about the practice of anti-racism itself.
Who's It For?
A crucial video for anyone engaged in driving their team and organisation towards an anti racist organisation. It addresses concerns about exclusivity in such efforts, helping you understand why prioritising historically marginalised groups benefits everyone in the organisation.