The Power Of Language
Explore the significant impact of language in shaping perceptions of race within society and organisations. Understand how the words we choose can either help neutralise racism or continue to perpetuate it. For example, in this video Shereen addresses the common practice of referring to non-white employees as "ethnic minorities," highlighting how such terms create an 'othering' effect, positioning them as different from the supposed norm. Reflect on how it would feel to be labelled as a "global minority," a term that would technically apply to white people on a worldwide scale. The video encourages people to consider the empowering or disempowering effects of labels and urges us all to consider the terminology used to describe racial groups. The power of language has a profound influence on our understanding of race and how we move towards being anti racist.
Who's It For?
This video explores the significant impact of language on racism, demonstrating how terms and descriptors can either challenge or reinforce racial biases. Viewers will learn to critically analyse and adjust their language to foster inclusivity and combat systemic racism effectively.